Stubby 5’8 22” 2”7/8
intermediate – expert 1 – 5 ft wave
medium – boxy rails low rocker
43,5 Liter bottom: double concave
medium – boxy rails low rocker
43,5 Liter bottom: double concave
Quad Fish: 5’10”, 21”5/8, 2” 3/4
intermediate – expert 2 – 8 ft wave
medium – boxy rails low rocker
35 Liter bottom: double concave
medium – boxy rails low rocker
35 Liter bottom: double concave
Ripstick 5’11 19”5/8 2”1/4
advanced – expert 2 – 9 ft wave
low – medium rails natural rocker
29 Liter bottom: single concave
low – medium rails natural rocker
29 Liter bottom: single concave
Bullshark: 6’0”, 21” 1/2, 2” 1/2
intermediate – expert 2 – 8 ft wave
medium rails low – natural rocker
35 Liter bottom: single concave
medium rails low – natural rocker
35 Liter bottom: single concave
Pinnacle: 6’0”, 21”, 2” 5/8
intermediate – expert 2 – 9 ft wave
medium rails low rocker
38,4 Liter bottom: single concave / vee
medium rails low rocker
38,4 Liter bottom: single concave / vee
Infinity: 6’1”, 21” 1/4, 2” 3/4
intermediate – advanced 2 – 8 ft wave
medium rails low rocker
36 Liter bottom: double concave
medium rails low rocker
36 Liter bottom: double concave
Micro Egg: 6’2”, 20” , 2” 1/2
beginner – advanced 2 – 7 ft wave
medium rails natural rocker
35,2 Liter bottom: vee
medium rails natural rocker
35,2 Liter bottom: vee
Retro Fish: 6’4”, 22′ 1/2′, 3”
beginner – expert 1 – 6 ft wave
boxy rails low rocker
49,3 Liter bottom: single concave
boxy rails low rocker
49,3 Liter bottom: single concave
Wombat: 6’4”, 21” 1/4, 2” 3/4
beginner – expert 1 – 7 ft wave
medium – boxy rails low rocker
41,8 Liter bottom: rounded vee
medium – boxy rails low rocker
41,8 Liter bottom: rounded vee
Egg: 6’6”, 21” 1/2, 2” 5/8
beginner – advanced 1 – 8 ft wave
medium rails natural rocker
40,7 Liter bottom: vee
medium rails natural rocker
40,7 Liter bottom: vee
Magic Glider 7’2”, 22”, 2” 13/16
first timer – advanced 1 – 7 ft wave
medium – boxy rails natural rocker
53 Liter bottom: single/vee
medium – boxy rails natural rocker
53 Liter bottom: single/vee
Mini Mal: 7’6”, 21” 1/4, 2” 9/16
first timer – expert 1 – 8 ft wave
medium beveled rails low rocker
48,6 Liter bottom: single/double/vee
medium beveled rails low rocker
48,6 Liter bottom: single/double/vee
Our shaping philosophy is to give the landlocked surfer the option to catch as many waves as possible combined with an optimum of surfing performance. No matter on what level you are surfing, we definitely have the right board to suit your style and preferences. If you can´t find the perfect board for you in our range just ask for a custom shape.
All of our surfboard shapes are tried, tested, discarded or adopted continuously. The creativity of our development team will ensure surfboard shaping remains one of the highest art forms in any industry.